Cyber Security
Best CyberSecurity School in Yaounde
Every day, companies, and even individuals, suffer from hacker attacks. Therefore, at HIGHUPWEB ACADEMY, the Best CyberSecurity School in Yaoundé, we aim at building Ethical Hackers and Cybersecurity specialists who will help people fight against hackers. The course is done both with practicals and theory, giving you just what you need to become a professional in this domain.
This course will provide relevant concepts to all aspects of cybersecurity, including business, policy and procedures, communications security, network security, security management, legal issues, political issues, and technical issues. The course starts with an introductory section that covers security basics, the terms you need to know, and a brief primer on TCP/IP. The primary sections of the course are divided into network security and endpoint security.

Foundation knowledge and essentials skills in all security domains in the cyber world information security, systems security, cybersecurity, mobile security, physical security, ethics and laws, defense and mitigation techniques used in protecting businesses. The end point security section focuses mainly on Windows security, as most corporate networks have a majority of Windows systems. We shall also learn patch management, endpoint hardening and the vulnerability management cycle.
- Cybersecurity Basics
- The Cybersecurity Cube
- Network security
- Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Attacks
- The Art of Protecting Secrets (Cryptography, Access Control, The concept of obscuring
- data)
- WIFI network attacks and countermeasures
- Web Attacks Targeting Users: Browser and Email Attacks
- Ensuring Integrity
- Types of Data Integrity Controls
- Digital Signatures
- Digital Certificates
- Database Integrity Enforcement
- The Five Nines Concept
- The concept of high availability.
- Measures to Improve Availability
- Incident Response
- Disaster Recovery
- Protecting a Cybersecurity Domain
- Defending Systems and Devices
- Firewalls, Intrusion Detection and Prevention systems
- Network Hardening
- Physical Security
- Cybersecurity domains and controls within the CIA triad.
- Building a SOC for network monitoring
Course Benefits
- Certificate of training
- Detailed plan on conducting vulnerability assessments and penetration tests and applying them.
- Access to a functional PHP application
- Lab Project
- Take Home Exercises
- FREE Driving Lessons
Who is the target audience?
- Job Seekers
- Graduate Trainee
- Secondary School and University Students
N.B: Hackers are innovators; they constantly find new ways to attack information systems and exploit vulnerable systems that is why we teach you ethical hacking and cybersecurity which will enable you identify, prevent and kick out any attacker.
Who is an Ethical Hacker? This is simply a professional who had the same knowledge that malicious hackers have, but he uses his knowledge to look for weaknesses in targeted systems and then lawfully uses his tools and strategy to secure this server or system.
Learning Objectives
This course provides students basic knowledge and skills in the fundamental theories and practices of Cyber Security at the Best CyberSecurity School in Yaoundé. Upon completion of the course, a student is expected to have met the following six course objectives.
- Understand the broad set of technical, social & political aspects of Cyber Security
- Appreciate the vulnerabilities and threats posed by criminals, terrorist and nation states to national infrastructure and the tools involved
- Understand the nature of secure software development, operating systems and data base design and perform penetration testing attacks to assess system weaknesses.
- Recognized the role security management plays in cyber security defense
- Understand the security management methods to maintain security protection.
- Mitigate attacks in a WiFi network infrastructure
- Understand the legal and social issues at play in developing solutions.
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
- Describe various basic security practices (e.g. strong passwords, firewalls, account controls, file privacy, etc.)
- Create a user account on a computer using basic security techniques
- Describe and demonstrate appropriate file backup techniques
- Describe basic computer log entries and identify potential security issues
- Differentiate between various security threats and computer attacks
- Identify several techniques appropriate to provide basic protection of a small computer and/or small network