This course is designed to make you a full-expert in Microsoft Office applications like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft publisher. Equally apart from learning these listed software’s, we equally teach you basic thing concerning the internet, how to create Emails, how to scan, and print documents.
This course is open to anyone who desires to learn computer given that this is the basic part of IT, it doesn’t require you to have any certificate in other to enroll for this course.

- How to navigate Excel, create a spreadsheet and save your work
- How to use Pivot Tables to analyze thousands of Excel rows & create interactive reports with key business metrics in a flash!
- Gain confidence with the usage of top 50 Excel formulas
- Learn the most common Excel functions used in the Office
- Create Bar, Column, Pie and Line Charts in Excel
- How to use worksheets and workbooks
- How to use charts, graphs, Tables,
- How to enter information into MS Excel
- How to navigate Powerpoint, create a slides and save your work
- Add, rearrange, and delete slides
- Import slides from another presentation into a slide show
- Apply layouts, themes, and QuickStyles
- Work with text, bullets, images, and video
- Apply simple animations and transitions
- Create presentations that are accessible for individuals with disabilities
- Create audience and presenter handouts
- How to Rehearse and deliver a presentation
- How to package a presentation for use on other computers
- How to use charts, graphs, Tables,
- How to enter information into MS Excel
- and a lot more
- How to navigate word, create new pages and save your work
- What is Microsoft Word, and why do we use it? How Can I use it?
- Creating new documents
- Opening previously saved documents
- Saving your work
- Create, save, and share documents.
- Apply pre-designed Styles and format text with fonts and colors.
- Work with bullets, indents, and line spacing.
- Insert pictures and screenshots.
- Set up page layout for margins, columns, and printing.
- Create and update an automated Table of Contents.
- Mail merge to envelopes, labels, emails, and form letters.
- Add comments, track changes, and compare documents.
- Opening files, Saving files, Printing, Managing files
- Creating tables
- Creating text boxes
- Manipulating graphics and inserting images
- Making, using and customizing templates
- Creating page layouts
- Creating business cards, brochures and newsletters
- Creating websites
- Printing mailing labels
- Using Design Checker to correct mistakes
- Updating catalogs, pricing lists and datasheets
Course Benefits
- Lab Project
- Take Home Exercises
- FREE Driving Lessons
- Internship Opportunity
- Certificate of Completion
Who is the target audience?
- Anyone who works and want to work with data and information industries!
- Those who work in organizations where the company typically uses database, software and apps.
- Primary, Secondary School Students
- Those who want to boast their CV or Advance their Career.
- Graduate Trainee